Was born in Cádiz. He has worked with Rosario Toledo, Ángel Atienza, Raúl Cantizano, Pedro (Los Voluble) Jiménez.
He considers himself as an uncomfortable and adventurous artist from diverse dynamiting genres, Romero is the bomb of flamenco 2.0. He was born experimental and likes to challenge prejudices with the temperance of someone who is considered man, woman and voice at the same time.
He has been involved for years in different conceptual projects, Álvaro recently premiered the performance 'Animals' in the Maestranza theater with the American dancer Cristina Hall, this is another twist to stylistic conventions with topics as sexual diversity or abuse were touched .
Álvaro is currently working with the Andalusian producer Toni Martín on a record project that has already touched the public of the last edition of Monkey Weekend.
Starting from a resounding electronic base of quasi-industrial heritage and propped up on lyrics by homosexual poets such as the Chilean Pedro Lemebel.
Álvaro Romero & Toni Martín propose a skull and brake trip through the abyss that separates love from hate.