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Gurumbé - the show

Place: Melahuset - Maroboes gate 0183, Oslo

Date: Sunday 27th August, 2017

Hour: 17:00 (open doors) conference starts at 17:15 and concert at 18:00

Tickets: Weekend festival pass

Flamenco Company:

Yinka Esi Graviles, Jesús Morente, Sara Holgado &  Antonio Torner


Gurumbé forestilling:


Regissøren Miguel Ángel Rosales snakker om den prisvinnende dokumentaren Gurumbé – canciones de tu memoria negra og om filmens viktige tema: historien om slavehandel i Spania. Rosales ser blant annet nærmere på Spanias rolle i slavehandelen og slavehandelens påvirkning på flamencokunsten. Han minner også om at den sorte befolkningen på 1800-tallet utgjorde så mye som 12–15% av totalbefolkningen i enkelte byer i Sør‑Spania, for eksempel Sevilla og Cádiz. Det dreier seg med andre ord om en viktig kulturpåvirkning, selv om den er blitt lite anerkjent i ettertiden.

Deretter blir det flamencoforestilling med Yinka Esi Graves, Jesus Morente, Sara Holgado og Antonio Torner.

The director Miguel Ángel Rosales will give a 25 minutes conference about the production and investigation process about the documentary Gurumbé. The work of Miguel Angel Rosales propound an important reflection on the history of slavery in Spain.

The film has opened a debate on the relation of flamenco's musical and expressive forms to the routes of Atlantic slavery, the historical role of Spain in the history of the slave trade and the unknown percentage of black population that Spain had until the century XIX, that arrived in some cities like Seville or Cadiz into a 12 or 15 percent.

Gurumbé - Songs of your african memory has received a great reception in most known festivals and media around the world and a great success of audience in all the projections and festivals in which it has participated.

Flamenco performance from Yinka Esi Graves:

Yinka Esi Graves – one of the featured artists in Gurumbé –

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