Por Casualidad
Best Choreography AWARD
Place: Dansenshus main entrance (Length : 30 minutes. o outdoor show)
Date: Friday 25th August, 2017.
Hour: 17:00
Tickets: Free entrance
Flamenco Company: Chloe Brule & Marcos Vargas
To the memory of all the people we fall in love with during secret instants. Strangers led by a different destiny, that we will never see again.
To whom we brush against by accident, our eyes meeting a friendly or passionate look, that we may be the only ones to truly understand, but that we let slip away forever.
To the people who go through our lives, fleeting and intense, with whom we share melancholy and joy without even saying a word, not anywhere in particular, just by chance.
Marcos Vargas & Chloé Brùlé
Premiere : Mes de Danza, Place “Alameda de Hercúles”, Seville – November 2012 International premiere : Festival On Marche, Marrakech, Morocco – March 2013
* Creation and Interpretation: Marcos Vargas and Chloé Brûlé
* Music: Electro, Popular, Chozas de Jerez
* Wardrobe and set desgin: The Company
* Photos: Luis Castilla
* International distrubution: Aurora Limburg
A VARGAS BRÛLÉ S.L. production